Inuit Family and Community Health Centre
For the greater good of the Inuit community in Southern Quebec
Become a member
Qavvivik is a non-profit organization that belongs to all Inuit living in southern Quebec. Our Board is elected by the membership of the organization, and the staff rely on hearing from the community to inspire and plan programs and services. We invite self-identifying Inuit living full-time in southern Quebec to become members and help us build the programs and services that the community wants and needs. If you are an Inuk living full-time in the south, you are welcome to join. Most people in the south have beneficiary status in one of the four land-claim regions of Inuit Nunangat. Qavvivik recognizes all Inuit beneficiaries as possible members. Additionally, we will consider non-benficiaries for membership on a case-by-case basis. Generally, membership will be extended to people who have demonstrated family links to Inuit homelands, who maintain connections to Inuit community in the South or the North, and who are recognized by the community as belonging.
We know that there have been recent cases of people pretending to be Inuit in order to gain benefits they were not entitled to. We are working on establishing clear criteria for membership that will be open to the community at large but will exclude people who are presenting a fraudulent identity.
Please enter your information in the form to become a member. Regular updates will be sent to you email address as well!